Lotr bfme world builder
Lotr bfme world builder

While the game authentically follows the story in proper order with special events like the Battle of Helm's Deep, Isengard, Moria and Minas Tirith the in-between game play rests, as said, upon the regions of Middle-earth encompassing in the West from the Shire to Mirkwood, eastmost to Rhûn and all the way south to Mordor and the far reaches of Near Harad. On the other hand, the Forces of Darkness (Mordor and Isengard) depend mainly on their hordes of Orcs and Uruk-haiĮach of these maps is throughout the campaign accessed by selecting well-known and lesser-known regions of Middle-earth such as the Westfold, Eastern Rohan, Mirkwood and even to the far-eastern locales of Rhûn and Harad. The Free Peoples (Gondor and Rohan) focus on their numerous heroes, like Gandalf, Aragorn, Théoden, Éomer, etc. As many other RTS-games this feature two opposite endings dependent on which side the player join.

lotr bfme world builder

This RTS features an Evil and Good campaign set in the War of the Ring-timeline as directed in the trilogy by Peter Jackson with a few game adaptations. In line with the trend in recent RTS games, units train in squads ( Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War is a recent example of this).

Lotr bfme world builder full#

These range from an outpost (three building points) to a full fledged castle.

lotr bfme world builder

The game functions much like other RTS games: the player must manage an army taking control of economy and unit production, where BFME differs from other RTS titles is in that buildings canet points, and camp sites already exist and are scattered around the map.

Lotr bfme world builder